Cupcakes and Cocoa is our first puzzle from Buffalo Games Vivid Collection and also first puzzle solved from the 87 puzzle collection that we got on Craigslist. The Vivid Collection focuses on pictures and photo with bold and and vibrant colors that span the rainbow spectrum. A key influence for picking this puzzle was that it reminded us of our first 100 piece puzzle from Eurographics showing different kinds of cupcakes.

Title: Cupcakes and Cocoa
Pieces: 1000
Artist: Aimee Stewart
Size: 27in x 20in or 68cm x 50cm
Company: Buffalo Games
Year Printed: 2018?


We love cupcakes, so this was a fun puzzle for us. Near the center of the image is a cup of cocoa. By the time, we were almost finished with the puzzle, we were craving cupcakes.

Finished puzzle of Cupcakes and Cocoa by Aimee Stewart, Buffalo Games Vivid Collection, 1000pc
Vivid Collection: Cupcakes and Cocoa by Aimee Stewart, 1000pc Buffalo Games

Puzzle pieces have a light feel to them with a gray chipboard back. The interlocking is loose, which makes it easier to connect. However, it also does not hold together as well and can come apart more easily. One thing we like about about Buffalo Games puzzle is that they include a poster of the puzzle image and makes it easier for multiple puzzlers to work together.


The cupcake decorations and cup of cocoa were visually distinctive enough that sorting were straight forward. Thus, it was fairly easy to assemble the picture as there were also ample visual clues. Took two and half persons to complete the puzzle in a little over four hours.

Overall, this was a fun puzzle that took around 4 hours for 2.5 persons to complete. If you like cupcakes, like we do, then we recommend this puzzle for you.

Leave us a comment, if there are any other puzzles from the Vivid Collection that you would like us to review. Here are more puzzles from the Buffalo Game Vivid Collection.

Buffalo Games Vivid Collection | Cupcakes and Cocoa
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