• Collage puzzle featuring thirteen panels with African animals.
  • Each panel has own unique decorative borders and scenery.
  • Moderately challenging puzzle due to muted color palette.
Go on an African Animals Safari From Your Home
African Animals | Hennessy 1000pc

Title: African Animals
Pieces: 1000
Artist: ?
Size: 27in x 19in or 68cm x 48cm
Company: Hennessy
Year Printed: 2014

African Animals is a collage puzzle that consists of thirteen different panels. Each panel contains a different scene with African animals. For example, the top left hand corner panel features a flock of helmeted guineafowl at a watering hole. The guineafowl have black feather with whites spots and blue neck. Furthermore, each of the panels have distinctive and decorative border patterns, which made the overall puzzle busy to look at .

In addition, African Animal is our first Hennessy puzzle. The quality of the puzzle is similar to those of JaCaRou puzzle. The pieces are thick and made of gray chipboard. However, the pieces did not fit together as snugly as JaCaRou.

Time lapse video of sorting strategy and puzzle build for African Animals

Collage puzzles are great for family puzzle time as everyone can work on their own part of the puzzle. Our sorting strategy for solving the puzzle was to first find all the straight border pieces. Next, we sorted the twelve smaller panels by their unique decorative borders and scenery. Lastly, the center panel was sorted last due to size and challenging patterns. Hana and I worked on different smaller boxes with help from our mom. Our dad worked on the bigger center panel.


Overall, African Animals is an moderately challenging puzzle. It took us almost four hours (3:55:12) to complete the puzzle. The large center panel was probably the hardest part because of the size and patterns for the scenery and decorative border. The most difficult smaller panel was the panel right below the top left hand corner panel. It had a busy design.

One way to improve the puzzle is to make the maroon border easier to see. For example,a brighter color like gold or red would definitely help. Lastly, I would recommend this fun puzzle for friends and family.

Finally, African Animals by Hennessy is our 46th puzzle from the 87 puzzle collection. Leave us a comment if there are any other Hennessy puzzles that you would want us to review.

Go on an African Animals Safari From Home
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