• Vibrant rainbow colors.
  • Rainbow bird and magical castle centered prominently.
  • Numerous repeating patterns makes the puzzle quite challenging.
Puzzle of enchanted castle with vibrant rainbow colors
Enchanted Castle | Buffalo Games 1000pc

Title: Enchanted Castle
Pieces: 1000
Artist: Ciro Marchetti
Size: 20in x 27in or 50cm x 68cm
Company: Buffalo Games
Year Printed: ?

The illustration depicts an enchanted castle with numerous creatures. The most prominent creature is the rainbow bird in the center, which is my favorite part. There are also an unicorn, peacocks, magpie, doves, swans, fox and turtle. In addition, the magical castle occupies a large part of the illustration and is my second favorite, because it is large and majestic with a golden hue. Ecstatically, the illustration reminds me of sunset at an amusement park. Specifically, the pink background and clouds reminds me of cotton candies at the amusement park.

Time lapse build of Enchanted Castle with sorting strategy

Sorting the castle and the rainbow bird were easy, because their colors stood out the most. The other birds, swan and magpie, were harder to sort, because it was difficult to distinguish from each other. Our sorting strategy was to first focus on the easy to recognize patterns, such as the rainbow bird, unicorn, swan, peacocks, ladies, and castle. The flowers, sky, and plants were sorted and solved last.


Enchanted castle is a great puzzle if you are looking for a challenge. The puzzle is packed with lots of details and is fairly busy. There are also lots of repeating patterns such as with the castle, flowers, and plants. For example, building the castle was more difficult than sorting, because different parts of the castle’s roof all had the same pattern. You think a piece would fit in one place, when it would actually fit somewhere else :(.

The rainbow bird was a bit tricky, because of its symmetry. For example, a feather piece that seems to go on the left wing actually was for the right wing. Overall, it took four of us almost four hours (3:50:55) to complete the puzzle.

Finally, this is the 43rd puzzle that we’ve solved from our 87 puzzle collection. The puzzle is part of the Buffalo Games’ Vivid Collection. Leave us a comment if there are any other Vivid Collection puzzles that you would want us to review.

Enchanted Castle: Majestic, Ecstatic, Rainbowtastic
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