New Dogs on the Block, a JaCaRou jigsaw puzzle, is a quick and easy 1000 piece puzzle to solve. Great for anyone who love dogs and want to try a less challenging 1000 piece puzzle, especially for their first 1000 piece puzzle.

Title: New Dogs on the Block
Pieces: 1000
Artist: Anie Maltais
Size: 28in x 20in or 70cm x 50cm
Company: JaCaRou
Year Printed: 2017
The illustration features six dogs hanging out on a city block. The drawing has a cartoonish and playful feel to it. Stylistically, the illustration is coarse and does not have granular details. For example, the fur coat of the dogs are fairly homogeneous for each dog vs detailed furs, which was visible for the animals in Doorstep Raiders.
The core strategy was to break the puzzle up into smaller areas, because the illustration had large sections with distinct patterns. The initial sort focused on the border, green/orange awning, blue/green awning, red wall, burgundy wall with windows, blue wall with windows, large glass window for dog salon, rainbow sidewalk, the dogs, checkered curtains, gray road, and sky. We quickly assembled the border, green/orange awning, and the dog salon window. Subsequently, the rest of the areas quickly followed.
New Dogs on the Block is a fast and relative easy 1000 piece puzzle to solve. The three of us solved the puzzle in 2 hours and 42 minutes, which is almost one hour faster than our average time for a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. In comparison, the Dog Show, another dog jigsaw puzzle, was the polar opposite as it took us almost two hours move to solve it than this puzzle. Overall, the puzzle’s large distinctive patterns and words made the puzzle easier than ones with more cluttered or repetitive patterns.
As the first JaCaRou jigsaw puzzle that we have solved. Initial impression are that the pieces are just as thick compared. The pieces are made of gray chipboard with the illustration printed on matte paper. The puzzle interlocks well and we could lift sections of the puzzle up and around without it coming apart.
Finally, this was our sixteenth puzzle from our huge 87 puzzle collection. Leave us a comment if there are any other JaCaRou jigsaw puzzles that you would want us to review.